Why spend a lot of money on marketing initiatives when your existing customers can do the marketing for you? Great customer experiences are passed down to family and friends, and word of mouth does not cost you a single cent. There is no doubt that when done right, a good customer experience cannot be substituted. So how do businesses and organizations create this great customer experience?

Here are a few ways of bringing a customer experience strategy to life.

Proactive communication

Reacting to customer needs after they raise a complaint is simply not enough. Instead of waiting for customers to reach out for complaints, attempt a more proactive approach and give clear communication well in advance through notifications and the digital signage. Anticipating issues in advance and going ahead to inform the customer gives a unique experience and makes the customer feel special.

Track and address customer churn

Customer churn refers to former customers who stopped using your product or service. Customer churn is a crucial metric for evaluating your business because it serves you the harsh truth about the quality of your goods and services.

Obviously, businesses should aspire to have a zero-churn rate, but it is inevitable to lose a few customers over time. Consider following up on these customers and gather relevant feedback and insights. Use this feedback to analyze why they are leaving and how to improve customer experience.

Create feedback loops

Customer feedback makes organizations understand how customers view your service. It helps management teams to understand the gap that exists between customers’ expectations and their experiences. The key is to acknowledge every customer and employee feedback and act promptly to improve all stages of their experiences.

To create a successful feedback loop, organizations need to connect and engage with customers at every stage of their journey. An omnichannel customer experience platform such as the Q-SYS CX portal can achieve this level of engagement and connection.

Deliver personalized experiences

One trick to achieve customized experiences for your customers is practising empathy and understanding their individual needs. Offering customized experiences requires an effective feedback collection and escalation model.

Businesses can achieve personalization through; engaging customers on their preferred engagement channel, giving product recommendations based on past purchases and even personalized online platforms. Urge your customer-facing staff to listen to the customers and identify the various pain points compromising the individual customer journey.

Use data and analytics

Every business should develop a system of metrics that indicate the score of customer experience in their business. Using CX data and analytics, it is easy to track changes in customer experiences within an organization. Some of the metrics used to track customer experience include; Net Promoter Score (NPS) and the Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT).

Do not overlook the digital customer experience.

With the increased adoption of online stores, digital customer experience has become just as important as in-store customer experience, if not more important. However, many brands are finding it hard to dial in on their digital customer experience due to the impatient nature of online shoppers, hence a great window for your brand to stand out.

Delivering a great customer experience means providing a responsive, reliable, and effective experience on your online platforms. A reliable and consistent online experience delights customers and cements their brand loyalty.


It is easy to bridge the gap between customer expectations and their experience with proactive planning, empathy, and the right feedback channel. Of course, creating a good customer experience is not a one-button fix but investing in a good customer experience portal like Q-SYS Customer Experience (CX) Portal is the best place to start your journey to providing a great customer experience.

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